(Heh. Sorry. Just an homage to Monty Python. I couldn't resist.)
Well, it's time to unveil a new line of bracelets! I'm calling them Bioangles. (I pronounce it Bio-Angles.) Yeah, I know, that's a lot of vowels next to each other. If you come up with a better name, please pass it on to me. The first set (below) I call Caterpillar Bioangles...

This next set is called Cells...

And these are just dots and spots... no real name for this set. Except, well... Dots and Spots.

These are... obviously... are called Fishes.

I've been manically making these wild bangles for the NPCG Synergy Conference Gallery. I'm bringing a number of other Bioangles, too, along with some new cuffs. I've decided to show just bracelets and a (large) collection of those mini bowls I love to make (maybe photos of those at a later date).
So... if you're coming to the Conference, you get to see and try these things on (if you're so inclined), and I look forward to seeing you there! And if you're not going to the Conference... well... um... then, um... I won't see you there.
wow, these bangles are great fun - I'm looking forward to seeing them next week. I'm still undecided what to bring to the gallery as customs formalities kill me. I guess I'll only bring 5-6 pices to sell and a catalog to order from.
see ya next week my dear!
Bettina! Hallo, hallo! I really like it when someone says my work is fun - it means the joy I get from making them is getting through to people who look at them. Thank you sooo much! I'm really looking forward to seeing you next week! I hope we can find some time to chat and socialize. :)
I wish I had known you were going to have trouble getting your work through customs,you could have mailed them to me and I could have brought them down. I'm leaving early (Friday) to pick up a friend and go to Seth Saverick's workshop, so there probably isn't time to do that now.
I brought a whole bunch of work to Europe last summer (as you know), and wasn't bothered by customs. I had planned a story that a friend had asked if I would bring a bunch of my work with me so she could see it in person. Maybe you could try something like that?
See you soon!
Oh yes that is what I like; a mixture of organic and modern! I wanted to comment on your last post too; you have a picture there of a very cool weavy-style bangle... so my question is: are your Bio-Angles built over this faux bone material?
...and yes I got your broad hint... ;oD
Have fun at Synergie and make sure to share lots of pictures!
Big Hug to you my dear friend!
This are wild and fun!! LOVE Them ALL!!
Just amazing.
Enjoy Synergy... maybe next time for me.
Thank you so much, Nadja, Tina and Doc! Your kind words warm my heart and please my muse very much!
Nadja, you know I will share all my techniques with you, my dear sister. And I am usually happy to share tips and tricks with anyone. But, for this one technique, I think I will hold off sharing publicly, and leave it for those who like to "reverse engineer" to figure it out. So, check your email later today, Nadja. ;) Mucho hugs, my dear friend!
These are wonderful!!! What fun to wear...especially several at a time. I think you will do very well with them. Have fun at Synergy!!!
Melanie, these are just delightful. I'd love to see them on an arm, to see how they sit...since I can't come to the conference to try them myself! They're playful and different and I'm sure you'll do well with these. Have a blast at the conference!
Hi Mel and Susan! Thank you so much for your wonderful words! You are both very sweet. :)
Mel, my down under dopple ganger (er... perhaps it's the other way around)! I agree... a photo demonstrating how they hang on your arm is a good idea. Heh... now I just have to do it. x.x lol! They do "dangle" really well, especially when you have a few of them on at the same time.
I LOVE em!
Thanks, Martha! I'm having a real blast making them... yet another addiction! Ack! ;)
I keep wanting to call them "Bojangles". They're great, Melanie! Can't wait to see you. I'm bringing my checkbook. I believe we have a little sumpin sumpin to settle.
How's about Biojangles? Whatever you decide, I'm looking forward to fondling them next week!
ngles. I am coming back to polymer clay after a hiatus in my life.Creativity was abandonded for 2 years. Please what do you use to support them? Do they have an armature to build them on/ Marilyn Australia
I love 'em! Groovy colors and patterns, and nicely squiggly - almost more like a pet than jewelry. I'm adding them to the must-have list for my small but growing collection of other artists' PC work!
Kim, Barbara, Marilyn and Sheri! Thank you so much for your sweet words, and for your name ideas... It looks like I'll be calling these bangles "BioBangles". Yeah, not very funny, or inspirational, but it was suggested by several folks at Synergy that, from a marketing standpoint, it pays to be more literal. *sigh* Marketing needs a better sense of humor.
Wonderful work! May I post a photo of your bracelets on my polymer clay blog?
they are wonderful!!!!great work!!
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