And, as my spirit rises, so does my muse... finally! I have felt, at times, like a hibernating reptile... so, in celebration of those anti-freeze-blooded creatures, I've made a new bangle I'm calling Two Sides Of The Same Lizard.

Now, when I first started to climb out of my shell (another analogy to reptiles... did ya notice?) this spring, I found I had totally lost touch with my muse. So, in order to shake things up a bit (imagine lots of dust being shaken from my poor muse), I went back to a technique I haven't played with for a loooong time...

For those few souls who haven't (yet) given up on me and my blog, thank you for hanging in there. I have made a promise to myself that I will increase my "web presence" this Spring, and I think I should be able to keep that promise... baring any unforeseen complications *coughfibrocough*. Heh.
And, as a little thank you to you die-hards, I shall leave you with "Six Terrifying Ways Crows Are Way Smarter Than You Think". Note: A couple of the photos look suspiciously like Ravens, but it's such a fun article that I can let that pass. Enjoy!
Glad to see you back. I just love the colours of the "two sides of a lizard"
Welcome back. Glad to hear you are feeling better.
Still following you. You are a great artist. I also have fibro and here in Puerto Rico is starting to rain more often which means more visits from the FM Monster.
Spring certainly improves the outlook! Love your new items - so imaginative!!! And I laughed my head off reading the crow info!!!
Thank you all so much!
Norma, I feel your pain, my dear (literally - lol). Here's to hot baths and a comfy bed!
Hey Deed! Glad you enjoyed the article... the last thing anyone should give up is their sense of humor, right?!
Glad you are back. You were missed. I love your new work. Very cool indeed. Hopefully Spring brings relief. Chronic pain is no fun-drains the creativity right out of you. The article on the crows was down right creepy! Too funny. Hang in there. Laura
So glad that you are back...sorry you were have health problems. Love your new bangles...they are awesome!
I like your MG pieces! Sorry to hear your have fibro! I have it too but live in Florida. I hadn't had an attack for a LONG time till 2 weeks ago... ugh! All over it now!
Stay well!
Laura, Lupe and Wendy, thank you for your caring words and support! Everyone in this amazing polymer clay community has been so wonderful and encouraging. It really helps me to keep going. You all totally rock!!
I just found your blog, and I LOVE your work! While reading your post..I was touched to see that you have fibro. I too have been diagnosed with this awful condition. If you are interested, I would love to email you some info on how I was able to pretty much cure myself. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, like I am trying to sell or scam you. I just can relate to the severe pain, and I try to spread the good news any time I can. Anyhow, if you are interested...send me an email, and I will send you the information.
Wishing you good health,
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