The form is... well... I'm not sure what the form is all about. I had thoughts of fungus (think chanterelle meets puff ball) and slime mold while I was building the armature. I know, that isn't a very appealing image for most of you. But for me... well... it's right up my alley, I'm afraid. (Hey, I'm the one who can't wait for a chance to wear my Green Worm - see previous post.)
So, because I (personally) like the name Orange Slime Mold, but understand that calling it Orange Slime Mold probably isn't great marketing, I thought I would prevail upon my wise and worldly readers to help me name this... um... blob. So I turn to you, my friends. Please, post a comment or send me an email, and give me your best name ideas!
From The Weird Science Division:
Is your cat a righty or a lefty?
Blue M&Ms and blue mice(?!?) lead to reduced spinal injury?
It looks like there are little sperm swimming upstream. You could call it Sperm Whale. :-)
Reminds me of those small ancient statues of fertility goddesses...or something from under the sea.
Hot Moma?
Reminds me of ancient fertility goddess statues or something from under the sea...Hot Moma?
I think it looks like poppy pods....Poppy Pagoda? Orange Pop(py)?
Willendorf Nudibranch
Shy Nudibranch?
Call it whatever you want...won't matter. It's totally cool. It stopped me in my tracks.
Ha! I like DyLinn's Willendorf Nudibranch!
I am sorry about the posting twice!
Looks to me like a conch shell. It's really fantastic. - Robin
OMG, you gals are terrific! What wonderful suggestions! I will have to mull over all the comments and emails I got... this is a hard choice.
Cynthia B., I laughed at your "little sperm" comment. I have made a number of pieces with similar cane patterns, and inevitably someone says they look like sperm!! Lol!
Lahtidah, I thought about a fertility goddess too... but more of a morphed goddess... of.. slime mold?! ;)
Joann, I never thought of poppies until you mentioned it. I LOVE poppies, and Tom makes sure there are always some in the garden, among the veggies. Terrific idea!
DyLinn, I love the sound of "Willendorf", but when I checked the translation in Babblefish, I got "will village"? o.0 So much for online translation programs. Could you tell me what it means?
Mary and Robin, I love your ideas! A friend (and wonderful patron of the arts) suggested it looked like a monarch cocoon... Which goes well with a shy nudibranch and conch shell.
Oh my, too many wonderful ideas!
Oh, and thank you soooo much for your kind words, Ms. Tinapple. You are very, very kind.
Here's a link to an online article about the Venus of Willendorf-
"Bob" the Blob
sometimes it's hard to say where inspiration comes from.
you were probably on the right track thinking about mushrooms...
But, it's clear to me this IS the chrysalis formed by the Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland !!!
Can you imagine the butterfly that will emerge from it ?
It should be called
Curiouser and Curiouser Chrysalis
:D m.e.
Ms. Lahtidah beat me to it (thank you). I think it looks quite a bit like the Venus of Willendorf. Please tell me when they go on sale, I'd love to wear one!!
Looks like a plant in Arizona 'Succulent' family. Succulent Orange?
What a fun, colorful piece! What about "osmosis"? Still gives you the "orange, slime, mold intials.
bonjour, je me demandais de quelle planète vous venez pour nous faire découvrir d'aussi etranges créations, elles sont toutes merveilleuses ; et puis elle n'ont pas l'air méchantes ; j'espère que vous me comprendrez , merci pour votre ingéniosité .
It reminds me of those Newts I used to find on the dirt road after a summer thunderstorm in my hometown of Canterbury, NH. "Newts"
I like obvious so i suggest ORBLO
It looks to me like a French Brioche, a delightful little "Viennoiserie" served together with coffee or chocolate, or than can be filled with... well, anything you want... thus, why not " Bio Brioche" ???
yes, I am a French polyclay artist...nobody's perfect!
Your work is so beautiful!!
As soon as I looked at your orange blob, I thought of: MaeWest.
I guess it hit me because of your last name and the svelte blob.
I first thought of "morph" then "polymorphism" or maybe it should be "trimorphism" but then "voluptuous" came to mind....
Dear Robin,
You are quite the artist and I love your color choses.
I would name this "Seed Cacoon". What do ya think? They look just like watermelon seeds.
Thanks for listening.
I love your work, so fascinating. How about Orange Chrysalis Glow.
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