Monday, September 28, 2009

Lost World of a Volcano & a New Anemone

If you are a lover of wild and crazy animals, like I am, then you really must check out this photo gallery of animals found in the crater of an ancient volcano in Papua New Guinea (like the buff-faced pygmy parrot, above). The UK's Guardian has an article about an expedition to this volcano by scientists who found more than 40 new species of animals, including a fanged frog, and this lichen camouflaged spider.

I want this little fuzzy critter, below, for my own. It's called a Bosavi silky cuscus. Mmmmm, I love cuscus. And check out those amazing eyes.Ancient volcano craters, mountain tops, islands and other isolated areas are ripe with unique creatures that have evolved into their own, unique species. Very cool.

And speaking of unique species, the isolated landmass called my brain has come up with a new type of anemone.... bangle. Heh. It just got finished in time to include in my application to the 2010 Smithsonian Craft Show.

Thousands of artisans apply to the Smithsonian show every year, and only 120 or so get chosen, so one might think this a futile act on my part. But I look at it as an exercise in pushing my ego's limits. The more I push, the easier it is - over time - to receive rejection. No, really! It's true.

And, from the "Waxing Philosophical" Department: The "philosoraptor"...
(Thanks to my son for sending this one on to me. It's from an interesting blog called Pirate Pasta.)

From the Strange Technology Department:
The publication "New Scientist" has an article on something called "Plasmobot: the slime mold robot". Yes, that's what I said... a slime mold robot. Technology just keeps getting scarier and scarier, doesn't it?


Caren said...

Love the New Guinea photos..that frog on a stick is an eerie shade of yellow green! And the king bird of paradise....just stunning.

As far as you getting into the Smithsonian show, you can't get in unless you apply...I gotta feeling it's going to happen for you soon.


Raven's Clay said...

Frog on a stick?! That just sounds... wrong! Heh, is that like some kind of county fair food? ;) (Sorry, I couldn't resist.)

I sure hope you're right about the Smithsonian "happening soon", Caren. (These days the only folks who can afford to buy fancy jewelry are the ones with the most money... which are the ones who buy stuff at the Smithsonian Craft Show.) But, I'm not holding my breath. lol

laurie said...

As my mother always said..."nothing ventured-nothing gained". Good Luck

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