Saturday, June 14, 2008

Alliteration Be Damned!

A while back the inimitable, indelible, innovative, and unimitatable *gasp* Cynthia Tinapple sent me an email with a link that her son had sent her. She said she thought I might find it interesting. Interesting?! I was enthralled! I was enchanted, enraptured, and.... heh. Sorry. Um. I really liked the site...

So, I share it with you, fair lovers of the wild, weird and wonky. (heehee)

Why, you might ask, do I choose now to share this site with you? Because of this...

This magnificent miniature monster of the oceans is the task my maniacal muse (sorry, I'll try to stop) has set for me. And, in a desperate attempt at stalling the inevitable, I'm posting a blog about it instead of taking on this project.

I'm also stalling for time so I can finish a couple of new bangles that have proven a bit... well... challenging. They are my interpretations of Barnacles and Sea Urchins. Stay tuned.

Oh, and speaking of Cynthia Tinapple, check her post on Friday the 13th... zounds! "Trilobites?! I LOVE trilobites!" Oh no, here comes my muse.... run away!!


Anonymous said...


I can't find your email anywhere and I don't have the patience to look any further! Just had to write to say your new work is just the hottest things I have seen in such a long while! I love it, love it! Now, off to see where I can purchase!!!!! - hugs, Judy

Anonymous said...

Woops, forgot to add, the way you are taking those pictures!!!! Man, talent abounding!

Raven's Clay said...

Hi Judy! Sorry for taking so long to reply... I've been a bit distracted. Heh - a constant state for me actually. Any way, thanks sooooo much for your very kind comments, my dear. Coming from such an astute and savvy lady like you is high praise indeed! I bow in immense gratitude. :)

Peace Valley Polymer said...

Nice muse Mel! I buy those books that have pictures of bugs and reptiles and the like for inspiration. They are in the discount section of every major book seller chain. Mine are full of sticky notes where I like the pictures the most. Thanks for sharing!